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How ETHi Works (and Answering Some Questions)

Many potential homeowners are stuck with renting a home rather than owning one despite a proven track record and capability of paying monthly rent. Why? Simply because their documents don’t fit what traditional financial institutions want to see.  

This is where Ethical Token comes in. As a crypto project, ETHi’s main goal is to revolutionize homeownership through decentralized common sense. We envision a world where one’s capacity to pay, not their credit or employment history, will be the sole basis for owning a home. 

Here’s the ETHi project, simplified: 

Step 1: Use Funds to Buy Properties in the US 

Buying ETHi tokens fuels this project, as this is what we use to buy properties across the US. This also indirectly makes every ETHi token holder a passive real estate investor. 

Step 2: Sell Property via Lease to Own 

These properties are then sold to qualified homebuyers through a lease-to-own process. Token holders can participate in the voting and selection of applicants through the Ijara DAO app.  

Step 3: Return Investments  

After transferring the property to the homeowner, they gradually pay for the home in the form of monthly payments. A portion of this amount is given back to token holders via ETHi tokens.  

Common Questions About ETHi 

As ETHi continues to grow, more people are asking about how it works and wanting to clarify some misconceptions about the project. These are a couple of the top inquiries:  

What dictates the price of ETHi tokens? 

While ETHi relies on buyer support to increase its value, it’s not purely based on hype like many crypto tokens on the market. instead, ETHi is a stablecoin rooted in US lease to own real estate, giving the token a tangible base buyers can rely on. 

Is ETHi a pyramid scheme? 

The simple answer: NO. ETHi isn’t a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme relies on new investors to pay for the profits of the old investors on top of them. ETHi, on the other hand, sources the returns through a portion of monthly payments from homeowners.  

Join the Revolution – Buy ETHi Now! 

ETHi takes a big leap towards making homeownership more accessible and reasonable. Holding ETHi tokens propels this goal further towards a day where owning a home is based on common sense, not one’s paperwork. Buy ETHi tokens today! 

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