ETHi Contract Address
zETHi Contract Address
Binance Address on Uniswap

Buying ETHi Tokens is Easy
Getting some ETHi tokens has never been simpler! Check out some of the available options and exchange for your ETHi tokens.
We’re Now Listed on the Following Public Exchanges
We’re Also Listed on the Following Platforms
How To Purchase THROUGH A Decentralized EXCHANGE

Create Wallet
Download and create a MetaMask account on your phone, tablet, or computer. This will allow you to hold ETHi tokens.
To buy MATIC on the Polygon Network, create an exchange account as follows:
Canada: BITBUY
Other: find an Exchange here

Purchase MATIC
Purchase MATIC (Polygon) directly from an exchange app or transfer MATIC into your Metamask wallet from an outside exchange like Binance, Coinbase, etc.
Make sure to use the Polygon Mainnet when transferring MATIC.

Swap MATIC for ETHi
Contract Address
Choose Your Preferred Exchange to Buy MATIC

Metamask is a crypto wallet you can use to buy ETHi tokens. Check our instructions for making a purchase.
Make sure that you’re on the Polygon Network before buying ETHi tokens on this exchange. Tokens on the Ethereum Network and expired and should no longer be purchased.

SushiSwap is another crypto wallet you can use to exchange MATIC for ETHi tokens.
Make sure that you’re on the Polygon Network before buying ETHi tokens on this exchange. Tokens on the Ethereum Network and expired and should no longer be purchased.

Buy, sell, and trade MATIC for ETHi and various cryptocurrencies with this exchange platform.
Make sure that you’re on the Polygon Network before buying ETHi tokens on this exchange. Tokens on the Ethereum Network and expired and should no longer be purchased.
Other Centralized Exchanges to Buy MATIC

Canadian exchange that provides convenient, dependable, and secure access to cryptocurrencies
Check Trade Prices

Use this exchange to get updated pricing and to seamlessly trade MATIC for ETHi Tokens
View the Contract on Polygonswap
Take a peek at ETHi’s contract on Polygon to learn more about us and our recent activities.